








James Lileks
Mark Steyn
Mike's Baseball





























Sarah Michelle Gellar is moderately attractive.




































Enjoy a picture of a fine-looking Wildebeest.





Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The greatest post on NBA basketball ever.

posted by Nate on 11:34 PM link


Oh, due to a server change all the images and links are Effed to H. I'll have them back "whenever."

posted by Nate on 11:12 PM link


Its been almost a four month hiatus, but I'm back.

In the interim I got back with my girlfriend, broke up with her again, bought a European sportscar to compensate, had said car's "check engine" light come on the same day I bought it, and ultimately unloaded a European sportscar. I finally took possession of my Pimp Mansion, and am a homeowner who has to paint and mow the lawn and stuff. (I didn't think I could become more of a Republican douchebag, but home ownership makes me hate taxes even more, and makes me spend time in the southside bodega parking lot looking for gardening help. Hey, it's patriotic; they're doing the jobs Americans don't want to do.)

I am back and rejuvenated and ready to blog. As my scary ex-military stab-you-in-the-gut-with-a-hook-knife friend famously said, "Pimps don't die, they go to Detroit and regroup." Only his version replaces "Pimps" with "Marines," and "Detroit" with "Hell."

Detroit, Hell. As if there's a difference.


(I'll be here all week. Tip your waitress.)

posted by Nate on 10:40 PM link


Previous Weeks' Delusional, Booze-Fueled Philippic
aka my web log archives





































words of wisdom
from Mr. Barry White
























Josef Stalin killed over 20 million people. What evil deeds have you accomplished today?


Copyright 2004. All your stolen base are belong to Rickey Henderson.
Questions or comments? Email nate@swankypimp.com

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